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Lepicol Plus Digestive Enzymes - 180g
Lepicol Powder - 180g
Lepicol Vegetarian Capsules - 180 Veg Caps
Lepicol Products
Lepicol is a unique combination of three natural, dietary fibres – Psyllium husk powder, Linseed and Nopal cactus. Lepicol helps to maintain a healthy digestive system and can help to improve the health of your gut microbiome. Lepicol contains prebiotics which help promote the growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut, ensuring that your digestive system is running smoothly and efficiently.
Lepicol also helps to reduce constipation, as it increases the bulk of stools, allowing them to pass more easily through the digestive system. Lepicol can also help with other digestion-related issues such as bloating, flatulence and cramps.