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Vitamin K2
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Vitamin K, which helps with blood clotting, was first discovered in 1929 and reported in a German scientific journal under the name “Koagulations vitamin.” The "K" in vitamin K comes from this original naming.
Weston Price, a dentist in the early 20th century, traveled the world to examine the connection between diet and diseases amongst different societies and made this exciting discovery.
He discovered that non-industrial diets contained a mysterious nutrient which appeared to shield against tooth decay and chronic conditions. This nutritional element was termed activator X by him, though research suggests it may have been vitamin K2.
Foods High in Vitamin K2
Our bodies require Vitamin K, a fat-soluble and essential nutrient, to keep things like blood clotting working well. It is available in two forms.
Vitamin K1, (phylloquinone) found in leafy greens, vegetables, and some plant oils.
Vitamin K2, (menaquinone) found in dairy, fermented foods, and animal products.
Why You Need Vitamin K2
Vitamins K1 and K2 are necessary for proper blood clotting, ensuring we don't experience too much bruising and bleeding in case of accidents. However, scientific studies have discovered that vitamin K2 has additional health benefits separate from